2net™ Overview

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2net Overview | 2net Hub and Mobile


With more than 36 million hospital discharges annually in the US1, the home is becoming one of the fastest growing care settings. As hospitals face cost pressures and enter into value-based models with CMS and other payers, there is growing pressure to move patients to lower cost centers sooner and more often.

These transitions from hospital to home have been fraught with risk as care teams lack the medical-grade surveillance tools to continuously monitor patients in the home and on-the-go resulting in gaps in care and unplanned readmissions. The lack of data and timely interventions impacts patient recovery and cost US hospitals $564M in reduced-payment penalties in FY2018.2

An aging population and nurse shortage creates a perfect storm

  • As 74 million Baby Boomers3 grow older, so will the incidence of chronic disease
  • The nurse population is also aging; over half of them are age 50 or older, and a significant portion intend to retire or leave nursing in the next decade
  • 86% of U.S. health spending goes to treat people with chronic and mental health conditions4
  • The home is increasingly becoming a stepdown setting
  • Meeting the needs of a growing multi-chronic population will be difficult in traditional high-cost, highly staffed care settings

Improving the care journey by integrating the home

  • Medical-grade connectivity in the home enables health systems to discharge with confidence and reduce total cost of care
  • Scalable remote patient monitoring solutions inform timely and appropriate interventions for post acute recovery and chronic condition management
  • Personalized feedback delivered to a device worn on a patient’s wrist helps create more informed, activated patients more likely to adopt healthier behaviors


The 2net Platform provides seamless end-to-end connectivity for a growing, open ecosystem of medical-grade devices, apps and wearables. It’s making it possible to manage an increasingly complex population of patients in the home, including the millions of Americans with chronic disease. By leveraging these flexible solutions, health systems and payors can integrate devices and wearables into their care pathways and programs, improving quality of life while creating opportunities to streamline costs and improve outcomes.


Integrates short-range radios including Bluetooth, Bluetooth Smart, and Wi-Fi for flexible connectivity to one of the world’s largest connected health ecosystems.



Offers customers Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) flexibility by integrating with market-leading mobile devices and operating system combinations.



1 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Statistical Breif # 180. October 2014.

2 Kaiser Health News. Hospitals Face the Same Penalties. Aug. 2017.

3 http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/01/millennials-overtake-baby-boomers/

4 https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/about/costs/index.htm